Friday, October 4, 2019

SOI - rough draft

For my magazine, I intend to incorporate different types of entertainment through film and music. I plan to use media language to create a sense of enjoyment for the readers of the magazine. I aim to target an audience of 16 – 25 year olds of class AB. The concept of my magazine will be seasonal editions of a magazine, which is shown through the colour schemes that fit into each season (Autumn and Winter).  The genre of my magazine is entertainment and this will attract my audience because I will make sure that each article and feature (in both the contents page and the front cover) relate to what typical 16-25 year olds would be into. For example, the artists used will be more pop artists and maybe indie. Also, the people from the recent films/movies will be from films more aimed towards a younger/teen/mid-20’s audience. The people featured in my magazine are younger people to fit into the target audience. The lighting used in my magazine images will be a mixture of natural lighting and studio lighting. The makeup, especially on my front covers, will be subtle on one magazine and more prominent on the other. I want to do this so that there is a distinct change between each magazine edition. There will be some props used in the images, however, I want the images to mainly represent the people featured rather than objects. The settings in each image change as I have gone to contrasting locations (e.g. in a studio and out amongst nature).
The design of my website will attract the audience as it will feature the same themes evident in the magazines. My website will use many social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Each of these platforms target a range of people between 16 and 25. Furthermore, by using these different types of social media, I can ensure that I am reaching my audience in a number of ways. The visual elements of my website will hook in and keep readers interested as it will contain new and up-to-date information on all the latest songs, films/movies etc.
Synergy and branding is important to media industries as it highlights that the magazine/music video and website have the same audience and features (e.g. artists/films etc.). I will incorporate similar images taken from my magazine and put onto my website to link in the editions that I will be producing (as I will be producing two). My logo will directly transfer onto my website so that my branding can be evidently seen and noticed by the readers of the website. I will create a logo to transfer onto my website so that it has a special and unique feature that can be recognised by the audience. The colours will have to be integrated in a way that looks aesthetically pleasing due to the fact that I will be using Autumn and Winter colours in my magazines. The website needs to conveniently include both of these themes so that the audience can see how they both relate. I will use social media to correlate my branding between my magazine and my website so that it can reach a larger audience. This will be useful as it will be more intriguing to the audience if they see it on their feed amongst other posts that they see on a daily basis.

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