Monday, May 20, 2019


The word 'MAGAZINE' comes from the Arabic word 'MAKHAZIN' which means a magazine is a collection of articles and stories, together with illustrations and photographs, mainly designed for reading as a leisure activity.

Magazines lose on average 4% of circulation every year.

Only 60 of 422 titles audited in 2015 grew in sales.

Price-cuts and give-away copies help Cosmopolitan lead growth in women's fashion and lifestyle titles.

In the UK, there are approximately 8000 magazine titles.

TV Choice is the UK's biggest selling title at 50p. The Radio Times costs £1.80 and claims to be the best.

Circulation - number of copies a magazine sells.
Readership - not just who buys a magazine but the total number of people likely to read it.
Mass audience - readership on a very large scale.
Niche audience - narrow group of readers with a particular interest.

(who?, how are the being targeted?, why are they reading it?)


Personal identification
Social interaction

Steven Watson founded the innovative subscription service Stack - which transfers the lucky-dip principle of the vegetable box to the delivery of independent magazines.

Top media companies for magazines:
> IPC media
> FUTURE plc
> HEARST magazines

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